Mindfulness Based Programmes

Mindfulness Based Programmes

The 8 week MBCT programme, is intended to teach practical skills that can help with both physical and psychological health issues. The approach is an integration of ancient Buddhist practices and its philosophies.

Mindfulness is taught through the art of meditation, which includes paying attention to the mind and body during stillness and movement. Beginning with focusing our attention on the breath, the practice concentrates and calms the mind, allowing us to see passed the minds habitual habits, which in turn allows us to be present and fully in the moment. Most of us will often find ourselves focusing on worries, concerns of the past, and every day life. Distracting us from finding solutions, or moving forward from our distress.

Mindfulness Meditation teaches how to work directly with our struggles and difficulties, in ways that help us rely on our inner resources. Mindfulness helps us develop a willingness to experience difficult emotions, developing a capacity to be open to painful and distressing moods, thoughts, and sensation. Through being present and in the moment, our hearts and minds can awaken to a depth of peace and clarity.

Course prices - 8 week course - £190.00 - Open day course - £25.00. Complete contact form or request a booking form by submitting your details below.

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